By Website Editor
July 1, 2021
Approximately 33% of all waste that goes into land-fills in the U.S. is made of paper. With all the paper our country wastes each year, we can build a 12 foot high wall of paper from New York to California! Redrock Environmental Group is actively trying to reduce paper waste rates in Madera County and you can help! One of the best ways we can do this is to provide customers with ways to divert paper from landfills. In 2015, we launched our automated curbside re-cycling program that most of our customers use to recycle paper products. However, there are other ways to keep paper out of the landfill. This involves avoiding paper use all together and re-purposing the paper we do use. Try these tips to reduce your paper waste and carbon footprint: Change your bills to “paperless” and pay them online or by phone Re-use one-sided paper for notes, sketches, etc If you need to buy paper, buy recycled when you can. Read newspapers and magazines online. Think before you print. Do you really need it? Only print the pages you need in a document Choose reusable plates Use a white board for lists, notes and announcements Buy bulk foods Unsubscribe from junk mail at Send out electronic greeting cards instead of paper Visit for more ways to reduce paper waste.